The Naked Recruiter

Recruitment Hack #6 - Number Your To-Do List

Number your to-do list.

Why should you number your to-do list? Because Warren Buffet says so and he is close to the greatest investor in history. However, do you need another more compelling reason? How about it make you more productive.

Once you have gotten into the habit of creating a To Do list daily you should then start to log each item in order of importance and impact on your recruitment desk business.

Deciding importance can be difficult, however, I have found that one of the best ways to figure out and decide is to look at my to-do list and see what makes me the most uncomfortable. 

Generally, as a rule of thumb, this will be the most important task. From there, generally, tasks further down the recruitment process are the most important. E.G. tasks closer to the candidate starting.

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