The Naked Recruiter

Recruitment Hack #74 - Who Asks The Questions Controls The Conversation

He or she who asks the questions is in control.

When you are in a conversation with a candidate, with a client, with a gatekeeper, with your boss, with your spouse. Whoever is asking the questions is in control of the conversation. 

They are the ones that are dictating where it goes and where it goes to next. So you want to always be asking questions because you stay in control and it allows you to guide the conversation to where you want it to be.

Remember, it is your time, it is your call, and it is your responsibility to ask these questions. 

So for example, if a candidate asks you a question about something, let’s say, “What is the salary for the role?” what you do is you ask, “What salary are you looking for?” because in that way, instead of them finding out that the role is paying 40 to 50, you may find that they’re only looking for 38. 

So you actually might have a bargain on your hands. But if they hear it’s 40 to 50, they then know to ask for at least 40. So that’s a good example of why you should stay in control. 

Ask questions. Stay in control. And it just makes you more effective in every conversation and in every engagement. 

This Recruitment Hack is excerpted from my book 'Recruitment Hacks,' which is accessible in both Paperback and eBook formats.

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